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387 Replies

 @9FNZWSR  from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Top Disagreement

There should be more restrictions because if sellers gave thorough investigation on why someone wanted to buy a gun there there would be less gun violence.

 @9FP4K7R from Washington agreed…8mos8MO

absolutely, I belive that in order to get a gun license you should have to go through extensive background checks and tests to show mental stability and courses educating the buyer on on how to properly handle a gun, aswell as having to wait up to 2 weeks after buying a gun to recieve it, which has been shown to greatly reduce the rates of impulsive gun violence and suicide.

 @9FP3S9PPeace and Freedom from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this statement because I believe if we did effective background checks on people buying guns, we can see who is eligible to be a responsible gun owner.

 @9F9PSDLIndependent  from Alabama disagreed…9mos9MO

I really think they should be banned but I know that's too much to ask so I think we should go the Japan route. Make them expensive and require a lot of yearly training and fees.

 @9G2BGZ4 agreed…8mos8MO

If someone is going to do something like, rob a bank, or shoot up a school, they are not worried about the weapon they're using is illegal. They are going to obtain them whether or not threw a legal or illegal way.


Making a certain weapons illegal as well as creating more limitations on the purchasing on firearms will make it increasingly more difficult to purchase the weapon. There is also the issue that if the weapon is illegal then their friend, parents, whoever is much less likely to leave it lying around for someone to take and use in an illegal way.

 @9G3RHBR from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

Lots more restrictions will reduce the number of school shootings and robberies and shootings in general.

 @9KNGK9P from Utah commented…3mos3MO

They will be used in self defense. If I lay my gun in the street it wont kill anyone its the people using the gun

 @9G3RZPP from New York agreed…8mos8MO

They are not going to worry because a 22 lr can do the same damage compared to a 9mm or a 45. They are going to obtain the suspect how ever they can if its going to save lifes.

 @9G3PN97 from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

either way they should approach the situtaion legally, with laws and if they can just break them why have.

 @9HNJSK5Republican from Virgin Islands agreed…6mos6MO

I said "No" towards gun control bc I believe that gun control is a violation of the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution. I think what should happen is better training, education, and emphasis on how we should and shouldn't behave. I also think there should be a law where gun owners have to lock away their weapons when they're not using them. That way, we can keep them away from children and have responsible people owning a gun.

 @9HNY2HDDemocrat from Delaware disagreed…6mos6MO

The point of allowing everyone to have guns was to prevent something like the British takeover from happening again, and now since that threat is over, we should interpret it for how it is, which is living document, and understand the original intent and not just blindly follow it.

 @9HNXX5J from Ohio disagreed…6mos6MO

There should be little gun control. Too much gun control would be violating the 2nd Amendment, but I believe that there should be more background checks to help prevent shootings.

 @9HNXVFTPeace and Freedom  from Maryland disagreed…6mos6MO

I think that gunst should be controlled, because it only takes 1 person with daddy issues to go pick up a gun and shoot up a school, and I think that they should ratify and get rid of the second amendment.

 @9KNGK9P from Utah disagreed…3mos3MO

But what about the people using these tools in self defense???????? It's not the guns its the people using them. If I lay my gun in the street, it wont kill anyone

 @9KNGK9P from Utah commented…3mos3MO

But what about the people using these tools in self defense? It's not the guns its the people using them. If I lay my gun in the street, it wont kill anyone.

 @9HNJSK5Republican from Virgin Islands disagreed…6mos6MO

The problem with getting rid of the 2nd Amendment entirely is the fact that it's impossible to do. Getting rid of an entire Amendment means that the Supreme Court and Congress have to then rewrite a 200 and something year old law that didn't need to be ratified or get rid of

 @9HNY3N9 from New York disagreed…6mos6MO

Gun control is a violation of the 2nd Amendment of the United States. In my personal opinion, cops should have a right to carry a gun on them at all times even when they are not on duty.

 @9GMV82P from Wisconsin agreed…7mos7MO

i love guns, and its not the gun that does the killing, its the person using the gun as a tool to cause harm on a person.

 @99CR3PTRepublican from Pennsylvania agreed…8mos8MO

The CDC conducted a study that showed that defensive uses of firearms occur at rate of 500,000-3,000,000 per year. Guns save many more lives than they take.

 @9GFZSZVDemocrat from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

The children of this country fear for their lives while walking through the doors of public schools, universities, and colleges. Guns should include an extensive background check and a series of tests for approval, so therefore, it is harder for the wrong people to obtain. As well as a price increase. There should also be a limit to the amount of guns each household can obtain unless they partake in police work or military work. It has been proven repeatedly that guns take the lives of young people every day. If that not being an eye-opener, some states have made it legal to carry a gun publi…  Read more


Just because they save a lot of lives doesn't change the fact that it takes lives. Innocent people die due to a firearm and those type of things should never happen under any circumstance period.

 @9GFZ3PZ from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Guns take a lot of people's lives and can be very hard for people to be comfortable with being around.

 @9GFYXL4 from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

It is too easy for anyone, including psychos to purchase a gun or weapon, without much of a change with getting a permit. How did they think it was a good idea?

 @9GZZNQP  from Michigan agreed…7mos7MO

deters crime, keeps individuals and the public safer, is protected by the Second Amendment, and protect women and minorities who can't always rely on the police for protection.


The children of this country fear for their lives while walking through the doors of public schools, universities, and colleges. Guns should include an extensive background check and a series of tests for approval, so therefore, it is harder for the wrong people to obtain. As well as a price increase. There should also be a limit to the amount of guns each household can obtain unless they partake in police work or military work. It has been proven repeatedly that guns take the lives of young people every day. If that not being an eye-opener, some states have made it legal to carry a gun publicly without a permit.


While the right to have a gun is protected by the 2nd amendment, that doesn't that guns should be free for everyone to have. The guns when the founding fathers wrote the constitution are very different now then back then. It is perfectly reasonable to have a gun for self-defense, but if your really think that you need it for self defense you can easily prove that it is for self-defense through various tests and trainings to prove that you can properly use a gun when needed. Cars are dangerous things, but you need a license to operate them, so why shouldn't it be the same for guns.


While it may deter crime and citizens have a constitutional right to defend themselves our current gun control structure allows high caliber weapons to be purchased and used in situations that are entirely inappropriate. Military-grade weapons should not be sold at all and it is dangerous to sell any weapon that can kill so quickly without background-checking purchasers. More guns leads to more shootings and an escalation of violence.

 @9H2667SIndependent from Arkansas disagreed…7mos7MO

We already have background checks in place, and identification requirements, along with that we have to get a license. Adding more restrictions will only deter the amount of people that can keep themselves safe. We the people should have the right to bear arms without such restrictions on protection.

 @9H2D7BG  from Nevada agreed…7mos7MO

Most gun related crimes come from people who do not legally own a firearm. Most citizens with firearms know how to safely use one

 @9H3G8CQRepublican from California agreed…7mos7MO

When it comes to firearms i think there should be a process on how you are able to buy and use a firearm and the process of safely teaching you how to use one

 @9H3G4VR from California disagreed…7mos7MO

The only reason people who do not legally own a firearm is because of close relations to those who do legally own a firearm, as just by knowing someone like that as well as where they keep it could easily allow you to get a firearm.

 @9H3FWCTConstitution from Utah agreed…7mos7MO

I completely agree. I would also add the statistic on what percent of firearms used in crimes are illegally obtained, which I believe is at around 50%.

 @9J263K4  from North Carolina agreed…5mos5MO

The 2nd amendment is absolute and was created for a reason. "..Militia being necessary to the security of the state.." If that doesn't say why gun rights are needed, find a better arguement against that specific point.

 @9J27G4QPeace and Freedom from California disagreed…5mos5MO

The children. And all the Innocent people. It also connects with the abortions of Women now these days. The risk of their "child" getting shot at in school. The access of the younger people on it. Yes an adult, certified, license person bought the gun but that won't matter if someone else got access over it.

 @9J27MWY from Illinois disagreed…5mos5MO

The 2nd amendment was created almost 300 years ago for the purpose of using arms against the government if and when the need arises. But with modern military might, civilians armed with guns wouldn’t stand a chance against tanks and air strikes.

 @9J279RVProgressive from Florida disagreed…5mos5MO

Gun ownership does not equate to militia for the state, and only applies to the people owning guns, not police officers and the military. It has been interpreted to be a person owning a gun, and in many instances of home protection a gun is unnecessary and excessive force in which other methods would have been suitable. Guns help people kill people, and self defense is not a valid argument when the other person is more than likely unarmed or just a person of color being shot for existing.

 @9J28KDR from Florida disagreed…5mos5MO

The second amendment was created during a point where citizens needed assault riffles. We don't need the amendment on the level we needed them before.

 @9FS9D4Q  from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

Every totalitarian state has confiscated guns from its citizens. I want more transparency as to who is shooting up people. The Uvalde shooter had a part time job & no ID so he didn’t obtain the gun legally. Govt is hiding something. I think he obtained a fast & furious weapon &. Govt doesn’t want to admit it.

 @9FSBRSWPeace and Freedom from California disagreed…8mos8MO

The government is unsure about how this shooter obtained this firearm, but will ensure and add higher restrictions and stricter background checks as well psychological training to people who want to own a future firearm.

 @9FSBLTT from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

While the gun may not have been acquired legally, that doesn't mean the government had anything to do with it, as the rules and regulations around selling live firearms only applies if the gun store owner acknowloges the purchase.

 @9FBVYCPNatural Law from Colorado disagreed…9mos9MO

We should ban all guns so that this wouldn't be become a safely problem for the people. Restrict guns only for police and military services.

 @9F9TRQMIndependent from Connecticut disagreed…9mos9MO

do you want lots of people to die because someone that was not in their right mind bought a gun at walmart and killed a bunch of people for no reason.

 @93TNN45 from Arizona disagreed…9mos9MO

The Turks disarmed the Armenians, and it cost millions their lives. Strong gun laws only make criminals out of otherwise law abiding citizens.

 @9FBDRBZIndependent from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Guns are used for protection many say, although most of the time the person killing others is using a gun, Innocent lives are being taken all because we don't have stronger restrictions on guns. Gun control needs to become stronger in order to prevent innocent lives from being taken.

 @9FBL7S3Constitution from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Guns are just as often used in defense of a person such as police using them to kill someone's attacker.

 @9F8MDPM from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

I feel there should be more steps to take in order to get a gun. There should be a strict background check and you should have to go through a gun safety course.

 @9FRNTPXRepublican from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe that in order to get a gun, they have to go through an intense background check and make the guns expensive so not just anyone can get them. I think the people who want to get them should have evidence of professional training.

 @9FBKK48Democrat from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

It should be allowed with thorough background examinations and standard tests. They also should have a license to use it.

 @9FGCTKG from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

School shootings are becoming more of an issue as years go on and Gun Control can be used to change the statistics and lessen the amount of school shootings each year.


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