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303 Replies


Can understanding and empathy be an effective tool against far-right extremism, or is a more direct form of opposition required?

 @9H6K56VSocialist from Maryland answered…7mos7MO

I believe that understanding and empathy is more effective against those who are more open to a healthy dialogue, despite their beliefs. However, those who have shown that they have no desire to change their world views and are far too set in their ways, require more direct opposition. It is a waste of time and energy to engage with such individuals in any other way.

 @9H97WZWDemocrat from Kansas answered…6mos6MO

I think just understanding and learning the opinions of all sides would help deal with extremism more than just opposing it.

 @9H7WJKQRepublican from New York answered…6mos6MO

I think that all kinds of extremism are problematic because these people are too rooted in their ideas beyond even hearing another perspective. But, also I think everyone has a right to believe what they want too as long as it is not causing any harm and breaking laws. So, just arrest them when they do get around to breaking some laws at a rally for their cause.

 @9H7QP5G from Oklahoma answered…6mos6MO

Understanding and empathy mean seemingly different things to differnt people. I think they are a great start to understanding anyone that differs from yourself, but if you are trying to change hearts and minds it takes patience and time, not judgment and ridicule.


How do personal experiences with friends from different backgrounds influence your thoughts on diversity and tolerance?

 @9KN99XB from Nebraska answered…3mos3MO

I know a Columbian guy named Jero and he's pretty cool so I like diversity in this country.

 @9KNFNW2 from Pennsylvania agreed…3mos3MO

This guy spelt Colombia with a U, but it shows new culture adaptation for the country, and lots of fun.

 @9KNDYTVPeace and Freedom from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

Jero might be a cool guy but he does not represent all minorities, however one should go into every interaction with an open mind and not base their whole opinion off of one bad interaction

 @9KN9GQWDemocrat from Michigan answered…3mos3MO

It affects it extremely i believe you are more likely to understand everyone pov

 @9KV3C97Republican  from Wisconsin agreed…3mos3MO

Racism is bred by the fear of the unknown and what people in power want you to believe through the use of intentional stories produced by the media. These people want to keep you scared and fearful and divided - the Democrats are historically great at this.

 @9KN939Q from South Dakota answered…3mos3MO


It influences a lot because I see other perspectives and It affects on my opinion.


How might your favorite hobby or interest serve as a common ground to unite people of differing views?

 @9KY7RFY from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

your favorite interest could be many peoples interest and you could make new friends by having a common interest.

 @9KY2CRS from Connecticut answered…3mos3MO

As an avid reader and literature enthusiast, I believe that books and storytelling can serve as a powerful common ground to unite people of differing views, including those on the topic of being anti-far-right. Regardless of political beliefs, individuals can find commonality and connection through shared experiences of reading and discussing literature.

 @9KY237G from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

Raising livestock can help people to see different aspects of life, and how different lifestyles aren't bad just because they're different.

 @9KXZMKG from Connecticut answered…3mos3MO

I think music can change and unite people with different views, everyone listens to music


How would you personally define the term 'far-right,' and what feelings or images does it evoke for you?

 @9H9JHCM from New Jersey answered…6mos6MO

Far-right seems a bit racist/white-supremacism/elitist. It seems to mostly benefit rich white men. The image it provokes is Donald Trump.

 @9H6CHF5Libertarian from Pennsylvania answered…7mos7MO

I think democrats use the term far right inappropriately to describe normal things conservatives believe to demonize them, and this takes away from actual far right Ideology we might not associate with. Half of the country voted for Trump yet they're all far right

 @9H9N4XMDemocrat from Delaware answered…6mos6MO

I'd define it as one who believes in conservative values and is likely Republican. The image that this evokes is Donald J. Trump.

 @9H9JKJ5 from California answered…6mos6MO

Far right very conservative and I don’t believe their stances are right you need some structure and people need to have equal human rights


If you were to write a story about unity, what would be the central message to challenge division?


I think that the anti far right that the central message to challenge divison because they should have all right of civil rights

 @9KWNHT6 from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

To come together as a whole country and figure out what is best for America.

 @9KWNDLVConstitution from Michigan answered…3mos3MO


What role do you think education plays in preventing the spread of extremist ideologies?

 @9H4NR2Z from Wisconsin answered…7mos7MO

 @9H4NQ3CRepublican from Kansas answered…7mos7MO

 @9H4NN8H from New York answered…7mos7MO

Less propaganda from all sides because now people don't trust media period.


When have you felt proudest of your community's response to far-right messages or actions?

 @9HXT7NJ from Utah answered…5mos5MO

I am proud that we went against it because the Far- Right supports racism and that should never be allowed ever.

 @9HXT2JL from Idaho answered…5mos5MO

The civil rights act, which gave African Americans the same rights as any other person in America.


How should we address the spread of disinformation, which often supports far-right ideologies?

 @9HJYXJT from Oklahoma answered…6mos6MO

The spread of the far-right has only happened so quickly do to two major factors. One, a large amount of false information and attacks on information that later proves to be true. Two, the increase in outrage media or clickbait to pit both sides of the political aisle against each other with a bias to supporting the left.

 @9HJYQ85 from California answered…6mos6MO

Ideally, a better education for all would be beneficial. This would include standard schooling improvements and internet-based precautions. This wouldn’t necessarily eradicate all misinformation, but may improve our ability to initiate civil discussions with the intent to learn more instead of justifying our views.


What do you believe motivates individuals to oppose the far-right, and can you relate to any of these motivations?

 @9HWCYZ4 from Idaho answered…5mos5MO

My stance on this question is that it's their personal beliefs or what they grew up as a kid and were taught.

 @9HWF3SMLibertarian from Oregon answered…5mos5MO

The thing that motivates individuals to oppose the far-right is concerns on personal rights being taken too far, causing dangerous situations to happen.

 @9HXH5S2 from Wisconsin agreed…5mos5MO

Personal rights when it comes to guns or personal weapons can harm other individuals therefore it should be limited to protect other people's right to life.

 @9HX9TY6 from North Carolina agreed…5mos5MO

I think using the bible as a way to make everyone live their life and defend bigotry and disgusting actions is where it makes me feel like they take it too far because not everyone is religious

 @9HWF92G from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

maybe they think that the lgbtq+ has gone too far and the public school system has gone too far


Is it possible to empathize with someone's personal struggles without condoning their far-right views?

 @9HXRRZ6 from Utah answered…5mos5MO

I suppose that you could but it is hard when they want to remove important rights from me like marriage or my right to vote.

 @9HXRRWSProgressive from Oregon answered…5mos5MO

It is very possible to empathize with them, but condoning their behaviors and beliefs is out of the question, especially since some insist on harming other's well-being


Have you seen far-right ideology manifest in unexpected places, and how did that make you feel?

 @9J5NY99 from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

I have seen stuff that would be seen as far right in places I didn't expect. There were time where I agreed with it and there's times I didn't I really depends on what they say.

 @9J5NSXB from Florida answered…5mos5MO

Yes I have and it is scary seeing extremists throughout our country, leading towards insurrections and certain racist activities with the return of the KKK.


Why do you think some individuals are attracted to far-right ideologies?


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