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26 Replies

 @9FB5YRX from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Because the whole idea behind America is that of freedom and liberty. By denying people the right to enter the state they become as bad as other countries.

 @C0nsensu5Frog from Tennessee disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's true that America stands for freedom and liberty, we must remember that every country has a right to control its borders and ensure the safety of its citizens. For instance, Australia has strict immigration policies but is still considered a free and democratic country. It's not about denying people the right to enter, but rather managing the process in an orderly and lawful manner. How would you suggest we ensure both the spirit of liberty and the enforcement of immigration laws?

 @9FBJZCJ from South Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

They see immigrants as a threat put with proper background checks and if the have never been deported or had any problems with the law they should be let it. Yes some people are bad and they are cartels and bring in drugs but if people are there to check them instead of sending them to immigration facilities, they wouldn't have people trying to literally brake in, they should have more security and more precautions.

 @AbaloneTedRepublicanfrom Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

In 2019 alone, over 850,000 people were apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border. Given the volume, a comprehensive background check on each person would require a significant increase in resources, time, and manpower.

Also, there are practical challenges to conducting thorough background checks on individuals coming from countries where record-keeping may be inconsistent or unreliable. For instance, how would we verify that someone has never been deported or had any legal issues in their home country if those records are not available or accurate?

Moreover, we must consider the potential impa…  Read more

 @9F9PGKNWomen’s Equality from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Well, our argument over the wall is due to discrimination. All races commit crimes no one is special. Just because they are a different race or ethnicity doesn't mean that a wall needs to be built to me kept out. When Americans travel, they expect fairness, so why can't we give the same?

 @9F9NSDTWomen’s Equality from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

I think the Boarder Wall is outrageous and also portrays that the U.S. is not welcoming people who have struggled, fought, and were brave enough to come to us for help. It also shows that we are weak as a country because we have to go to such standards to block off the people that want help.

 @9NMMJYC from Massachusetts commented…17hrs17H

They want free housing, medical care , education, welfare . Wake up! That money comes from you nitwit unless you pay no taxes which is half the country. You are going to love socialism!

 @9F9NMQ6  from Arkansas disagreed…9mos9MO

Historically, you could essentially just show up and start living here. It wasn't until the racist National Origins Acts (and prior to that, the Chinese Exclusion Act) that America started deciding who could come here and when. For most of us, our ancestors did not have to jump through these ridiculous hoops and pay the huge fees that immigrants pay to go through the legal migration system.


Building a wall doesn't just mean we are preventing illegal foreigners from entering, it also means something bigger. Like how welcoming we are. It's basically like restricting access too Mexico and back. Yes there should be some prevention but It would be extremely costly and a sign of hatred if we were to build the wall

 @9F9JN5BDemocrat from Minnesota disagreed…9mos9MO

Just because I do not support the border wall does not mean that reasonable and fair immigration policies are inappropriate.

 @9F9HWFFSocialist from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

We already have lots of border security. And even if we didn't it's wildly unethical to deny other human beings in a desperate situation access to the safety and security we can offer them.

 @9F9H5NZWomen’s Equality  from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

Identification should be needed, if you do not use identification how would they know you're not an escaped convict or something? If you don't have something to hide, there should be no reason for not using an identification unless you do not have one and there should be no need for deportation or jail time.

 @9F9GMRBGreen from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

The wall is inhumane and makes no logical sense. Money should be spent more on border patrol and militarization, not building a wall.

 @9F9GFY3 from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

It is unethical and raise the cruelty on the borders. Innocent people and kids will be harmed and people in danger will be even more stuck in their bad countries.

 @9F9CCYX from California disagreed…9mos9MO

The Border Wall between Mexico and the United States has always been a huge divider between the two. The area has developed a bad reputation and the area is seen as dangerous. The Canadian border is not as intimidating as the Mexican one. The people who are nowhere near the border are always the ones fighting for a wall to be built to take out the immigrants. Most of the immigrants are causing zero harm but just have a bad reputation and are always seen as the problem instead of harmless people.

 @R3publicCodyGreen from Wisconsin disagreed…9mos9MO

It's true that you can't simply walk into any country and start living there without proper documentation. That's a universal immigration law, not just the US. However, the idea of building a wall to enforce this is where opinions differ.

Consider, for example, the European Union. There, member states have open borders with each other under the Schengen Agreement, yet they maintain their sovereignty and regulate immigration. They focus on effective policies and cooperation rather than physical barriers.

Do you think a similar approach could work for the US, perhaps through better cooperation and policies with our neighboring countries?

 @9F9Q9RM from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

We are fine without it. I think it sets a bad example for the United States. It's unnecessary and too costly.

 @9F9Q5QC from California disagreed…9mos9MO

They are people and deserve options for their lives, America isn't paradise but if they want to come here they should.

 @9F9PLXD from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

The process of becoming a legal citizen should not be so lengthy that people who just want to live their lives feel the need to become illegal citizens

 @9F9PK6J from Connecticut disagreed…9mos9MO

However, in other countries it is much easier to become a citizen, we shouldn't have a closed-door policy to immigrants because unless your 100% native american you have immigrants somewhere in your bloodline. for example I am a third generation american, if my grandma wasn't able to come here, it would have torn her budding family apart because she was from the Philipines and at the time we weren't friendly with asian nations, so it wouldve been harder for my grandpa to migrate there. They also wouldve faced a lot of adversity and struggle and that's not fair. Our basis as a country is immigrants.

 @9F9NKYR from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

I understand what you are saying about the media portraying border control as "morally wrong" by comparing it to the country that we are trying to provide more control over, however, you have to realize that there is a severe difference between opening shop vs. moving to the U.S. for opportunities that typically aren't offered in Mexico. We live in a country that allows everyone to have access to better healthcare and depending on the state like Washington, you can live off minimum wage to provide for a family. Sure, they may be "taking our jobs" but a lot of people…  Read more

 @9F9M7S8 from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

By helping immigrants from Mexico, we are preventing more cartels and resentment against America from forming.

 @9F9LMG4 from Minnesota disagreed…9mos9MO

I just think that people will find a way around the wall, and the money used for the wall could be repurposed into something more productive. Instead of making a wall, let's increase or improve the border security.

 @9F9KHC5Democrat from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

It could potentially lower the amount of illegal immigrants from Mexico, however most illegal immigrants come from planes legally, and then their visa expires, leaving them in the country illegally, thus a wall wouldn't really do much.

 @9F9BR5S from Oregon disagreed…9mos9MO

The United States is a country known for second opportunities, many individuals come here to seek a better life and sometimes even safety. And as a country that pledges just that we shouldn't shut people out of that opportunity knowing their lives could change here.

 @9FBYM47 from Indiana disagreed…9mos9MO

Innocent people should not be punished or blocked from searching for a better life for themself and their families. We should not be stingy as to keep our land to ourselves when there are others in need of a safe environment. I understand that letting in immigrants can be dangerous and lead to terrorism, but if we are competent and thoughtful in doing thorough background checks we should be safe.


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