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11 Replies


Considering the right to peaceful protest, should the government have the power to send military forces to control civilian demonstrations?

 @9LX9QVT from Pennsylvania answered…1mo1MO

 @9LX9F9V  from Texas answered…1mo1MO

No, because it's a peaceful protest and students don't leave their rights at the college gates. A similar case happened in 1969 when students were protesting the Vietnam War and the court ruled in favor of the students because it's their constitutional right to protest.


Do you believe deploying the National Guard on college campuses would help maintain peace or provoke more violence?

 @9LX825QRepublican from Nevada answered…1mo1MO

Sending the National Guard would quell the violence. I do not believe it to be their responsibility.


Election 2024Biden jokes, Trump still leads and updates from the Sunday shows.

Republicans including Speaker Mike Johnson and Senator Tom Cotton have urged President Biden to send in the National Guard to clear out the protestors. “Calling in the National Guard to college campuses for so many people would recall what happened when it was done during the Vietnam war,


Sen. Tim Kaine: Sending National Guard To Campus Protests Would Be A "Very, Very Bad Idea"…

Virginia Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine cited the Kent State massacre on Sunday to say that he thinks calling in the National Guard to disperse pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses would be a "very,

 @DelegateCaviarAuthoritarian from Tennessee commented…1mo1MO

It's about time we took decisive action to restore order on these campuses; letting these protests spiral out of control only weakens our nation's stance on law and order. Senators opposing the National Guard deployment are simply ignoring the severity of the situation and the need for a strong response to ensure public safety and uphold the rule of law.

 @EcstaticPollsterProgressivefrom New York commented…1mo1MO

Honestly, the idea of sending the National Guard to college campuses to control protests feels like a massive step backward for our democracy. Senator Kaine's comparison to the Kent State massacre isn't just historical reference; it's a stark warning of how quickly things can escalate when military force is used against civil protests. We should be encouraging our youth to engage in political discourse, not intimidating them into silence. It's concerning that some of our leaders would even consider such a heavy-handed approach to what is fundamentally an expression of free speech and assembly.

 @ForsakenRaccoonLibertarian from Washington commented…1mo1MO

Deploying the National Guard to college campuses is an overreach of government power that threatens our fundamental right to peacefully protest and assemble.


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