Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @M0derateClamLibertarian from Arizona commented…4wks4W

It's quite something to watch the GOP pushing for impeachment over Biden's Israel policy. Honestly, it feels like a stretch to frame this as an abuse of power worthy of impeachment, especially considering the complexities of U.S.-Israel relations. It's important for the government to maintain a balanced approach to foreign policy, but this move seems more like a political strategy to undermine the current administration than a genuine concern for constitutional principles. As a Libertarian, I believe in minimal government intervention, and this ordeal feels like an unnecessary entanglement in both domestic and foreign affairs that could divert attention from more pressing issues of individual liberty and fiscal responsibility.


How does prioritizing a country’s internal political battles over longstanding international alliances affect its global standing and credibility?


Is it fair to use impeachment as a tool for political disagreements over foreign policy strategies?


Do you believe political leaders should risk international relations to uphold their party’s values, even if it could lead to conflicts?